A Story About Developing A Strong Sense Of Self-Worth

This story about Benny Banana Tree will help you learn to find your inner beauty and let it shine. It all starts with accepting yourself for who you are.

Benny Banana Tree

Benny Banana Tree was a majestic tree, but it seemed to him that the other plants in the jungle were all better. The other flowers had enormous, gorgeous, and fragrant blooms. His flowers were insignificant compared to theirs. And his branches were shorter than a lot of the other trees. All Benny noticed were his shortcomings.

Ophelia Orchid always seemed to be making fun of Benny. “Oh, look at my newest flower, and smell the delicious aroma – so sweet and luscious! I can’t wait until my other buds open; yours will never be this amazing,” she said. Manny Mangrove Tree was always bragging, too. “Just look at how my tremendous roots grace the earth below, and my limbs climb high in the sky, spreading out ever more beautifully each year; I’m a perfect tree of life, providing shelter for untold numbers of creatures!”

1 A Redeeming Quality

Even the vines were mean to Benny. They exclaimed, “We’re the glue that holds the jungle together; what good are you?” Benny just sighed and wished he had some redeeming quality that the jungle needed. One day, a whole colony of monkeys arrived; no one in the jungle ever heard such a clatter and chatter when the monkeys spotted Benny! The head monkey said, “Oh, look at the treasure we’ve found – these are the biggest, sweetest bananas in the world; thanks to this banana tree, tonight we feast!”

From then on, as Benny gave out all the bananas the monkeys could desire, Ophelia gave up on her attempts to get them to notice her. Manny was in awe at how Benny provided for them, and the vines stopped bragging, too. Finally, Benny’s inner beauty shone through bright and clear. He said, beaming with pride, “Well, what do you know? “I am here for a reason, and I’m special, too!”

2 We Are All Unique

Like Benny, we are all unique. We may be darker, lighter, taller, shorter, bigger, smaller, or poorer than others, but we each have our own special beauty! Have you found yours?

No one is just like you. You have unique talents that others don’t have. You’ve gained wisdom that others seek. And all your experiences, from the day you were born up to the present, have combined to produce the wonderful person you are today.

3 Accepting Yourself For Who You Are

There will always be Ophelias and Mannys in the world to let you know how they excel in their own areas. But that doesn’t mean you’re of any less value than they are. What you have is just as marvelous!

It’s up to you to find your inner beauty and let it shine! If it helps, spend some time in reflection and make a list of your unique talents to show yourself how special you really are. You can even continue to discover new talents throughout your life. Maybe you’ll be the best grandparent the world’s ever seen! Or perhaps you’ll be the most talented artist in your city!

By exploring new hobbies, taking a class, or traveling to new lands, you can awaken new passions and find hidden talents you never knew existed. As long as you continue to learn and grow, your inner beauty will sparkle brighter and brighter. And it all starts with accepting yourself for who you are – appreciating the special beauty that no one in this world has except for you!

Do you have a strong self-concept? What do you have that no one else has? How can you use your special talents so that your inner beauty shines?

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